International Collaborative Human Resources Development Program in Asia to Foster Inclusive Mindsインクルーシブ・マインドを醸成するアジア地域国際協働人材育成

The 4 students from partner universities went home after completing Fall semester!!

The 4 students who had studied at Hiroshima University for the Campus Asia program for 5 months left home in February. They studied Diversity & Inclusion, Japanese language, their major or interested fields of study.
The students from Indonesia and Thailand did a great support for our students who visited Indonesia and Thailand from mid February after they went home.

University name number of students
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies(HUFS)
Kasetsart University(KU)
Universitas Pendidkan Indonesia(UPI)

During their stay, they studied the mandatory courses: Introductions to Special Education, Entreneurship in Japanese companies, and they joined some activities on/outside campus. Here are some events/activities they participated in.

Oct. Orientation, exchange programs with HU students

Exchange program with Korean students in Hiroshima@MIRAI CREA

Dec. Excursion to Northern Hiroshima

Jan 15&19 Introductions of home country for the students going to Indonesia and Thailand


Jan 25 Company visit (Satake Corp.)

The student from Thailand created a Youtube video of her life in Hiroshima.